IM I Syllabus

COURSE: Integrated Mathematics II                                                                                               

TEXT: Pearson Mathematics II


INSTRUCTOR: Brian Chenoweth         

858-457-3040 ext 145

Rm 424

COURSE DESCRIPTION: (from SDUSD Course of Study K-12,

First course in the 3-course mathematics sequence required for graduation.


The San Diego Unified School District’s mathematics program is designed to provide fundamental skills and to educate each student to his or her optimum potential by developing his or her ability to understand and use mathematics. The curriculum is planned to present the content and structure of mathematics to meet the needs of a career-oriented society.


In high school math, students build an understanding of the content, and the conceptual strands of mathematics: number sense and operations; functions and algebra; measurement, geometry, and data analysis; and statistics and probability. In addition, they develop proficiency in the mathematical processes: quantitative literacy, computational fluency, problem solving, using representations, using reason and proof, communicating, and making connections. The processes are the tools and habits of mind people use when solving problems. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the CCSS to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.




Integrated Math I is the first course in a three-year series of integrated mathematics courses incorporating the Common Core State Standards. The purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics students learned in middle school. Students extend their understanding of linear relationships, contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. They develop fluency in writing, interpreting, and translating between various forms of linear equations and inequalities, and experiment with transformations in the plane. The Mathematical Practice Standards are applied throughout, and give context to the math concepts by applying them to real-world situations. Credit for this course will count towards the mathematics credits required for high school graduation.



• Semester 1:

Chapter 1: Arithmetic to Algebra (will be embedded throughout the course)

Chapter 2: Expressions and Equations

Summative Assessment

Chapter 3: Graphs

Chapter 4: Lines



• Semester 2:

Chapter 5: Exponents and Functions

Chapter 6: Statistics and Fitting Lines

Summative Assessment

Chapter 7: Introduction to Geometry

Chapter 8: Congruence and Transformations



• Textbook: Integrated CME Project Mathematics 1, Pearson.

• Supplies: A notebook and pencil



Be on Time! In your seat when the bell rings.

            2 Tardies are allowed per six week grading period

            3 Tardies,  Citizenship lowered to "S"

            4 Tardies, “N” citizenship, phone call home

            5 Tardies, "U" in citizenship counselor referral



• Follow teacher’s directions the first time they are given.

• Come to class on-time and prepared. This means that you are quietly seated when the bell rings and have all appropriate materials ready.

• Take complete, organized notes during class.

• Actively participate in all class activities

• Complete all assignments in a thorough, organized, and timely manner.

• Always act in a respectful manner toward others.



Everyone in this class can learn. You are expected to take responsibility for your own learning and to try your best. To achieve maximum performance, you must:

            Class discussions/participation

Discussions/discovery based learning is essential to the teaching of the common core standards. Students are expected to be involved and on task, as well as be willing to share/explain concepts to the class.


Students are expected to be on task and cooperative and on their best behavior.


Homework will be checked daily for completeness and organization. Homework should be done in your notebook. It is your responsibility to check for accuracy and to ask for assistance if you do not understand the concepts. Homework solutions to selected problems will be discussed in class. No late assignments will be accepted.


Quizzes will be given periodically, normally 1-2 per chapter.


                        Chapter tests will be given for each chapter of study. You may do two test                                                corrections per semester for a maximum score of 75%.



Grades are cumulative per semester and by the following scale:

            A         90-100%

            B         80-89%

            C         70-79%

            D         60-69%

            F          0-59%

Grades will be earned according to the following weighted values:

            Class Discussion/Participation                        10%

            Citizenship                                                      5%

            Homework                                                      25%

            Quiz                                                                20%

            Test                                                                 40%



Citizenship grades are determined by many factors that include but are not limited by behavior, tardies, unexcused absences, class work completion, and self-responsibility in general. Citizenship is based on how much of a positive influence you have on yourSelf, your Group, and Everyone in the class.



Discussion/participation grades are based on your positive involvement in group discussions and class discussions, and your willingness to contribute to the lesson. Always be prepared to speak thoughtfully when called on. There are no “I don’t knows” allowed in this class.


NOTE: Both citizenship and participation grades will begin the grading period at 100%, students can maintain that score or lose points based on the results of each class period. I can reduce the points for both of these categories on a daily basis if warranted.


TUTORING: After school by appointment o